In 2004, we planted about 50 trees to begin a small orchard to produce for our local markets - pear and, of course, peach. Over time, we have added many fruits and vegetables, including garlic (WisconsinGarlic.com).
We are located within the city of West Bend and are within 500 yards of other farms and within 1000 yards of a honey farm. Land use class is 1 and 2E, meaning prime farmland.
We are a division of IIC Inc., a small family-owned business in West Bend. Wisconsin Peachery is not subsidized by any organizations or agencies of the government.
Why we chose Chem-Free over Certified Organic
The term Organic is, truly, misleading. Organic does not mean pesticide or chemical-free. There are many chemicals used on organic crops that are derived from things like flowers, roots, leaves, etc. The assumption that these have less impact on people and the environment than lab-created chemicals, because they are made from things like flowers, is not logical and, in many cases, not true. Many chemicals that can be used under Organic Certification are toxic to people. New research is coming out that shows many are carcinogenic in lab tests with rats.
We use soap sprays and natural extracts, all of which are easily washed off and broken down by the sun.
We want to be better than "Organic Certified."